The creation of a project is never an isolated endeavor. This was certainly true in the development of this book. To move from imagi- nation to culmination required the encouragement, support, and assistance of many individuals. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of many friends, generous colleagues, and capable students.
This is a book about different approaches to teaching. Its purpose is to stimulate you to think about some basic ways to conceive of the role of the teacher. We believe that the approach you take to your teaching has a great effect on what you do as a teacher.
This series is aimed at research students in education and those under- taking related professional, vocational and social research. It takes current methodological debates seriously and offers well-informed advice to students on how to respond to such debates. Books in the series review and engage with current methodological issues, while relating such issues to the sorts of decisions whi…
This book is a practical, down-to-earth guide for people who wish to conduct research. It is aimed at those new to research and assumes no prior knowledge of the issues covered. It will also appeal to those people who have al- ready conducted some research and who are interested in finding out more about other research methods that are available to them.
In this book we will be looking at quantitative research methods in edu- cation. The book is structured to start with chapters on conceptual issues and designing quantitative research studies before going on to data analysis. While each chapter can be studied separately, a better under- standing will be reached by reading the book sequentially.
When I entered higher education as a lecturer about 20 years ago I was confused and slightly mistrustful about education academics’ obsession with theory, paradigm and the ‘ologies’, half-thinking that this pre- occupation with the vocabulary of the philosophy of science had not a little to do with Maureen Lipman’s ‘You get an ology, you’re a scientist!’ For those who didn’…
Increasingly multinational- and hence multicultural- societies have an impact on education and student achievement. Data from PISA 2003 and 2006 indicate that the educational challenges posed by family background, socio-economic context, and migration status are not only strongly linkerd to student outcomes
Many colleagues and students have contributed to this book – on both sides of the Atlantic, in formal discussion and conversation – some- times unwittingly. To all of them, thank you. In particular, thanks should go to Wayne Booth, whose conversations and collaborations with Marshall Gregory over four decades have been foundational to Gregory’s views about teaching, and to the many f…
An aspect of reporting which is different from teachers’ reporting and record keeping is the progress file, formerly called the record of achievement, and related to the portfolio. The change of name followed a review of the record of achievement in 19961 and 19972 as part of an overall review of education for 16 to 19-year- olds and the government’s Green Paper, Extend- ing Opportu…
The addictions and alcohol and other drug (AOD) sector covers a vast array of disciplines and methodologies. Many of the techniques used in the understanding of drug use are essentially the same as those used in other fields, while others are special in both their design and their samples. In no other field of enquiry has there been such a multidisciplinary approach to the development of re…